■■Key facts about HIV&AIDS■■

● HIV is the virus that causes HIV infection. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. ●HIV is spread through contact with the blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, or breast milk of a person infected with HIV. ●The use of HIV medicines to treat HIV infection is called antiretroviral therapy... Continue Reading →

What is the Declaration of Alma-Ata?

The Declaration of Alma-Ata was adopted at the International Conference on Primary Health Care(PHC), Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata), Kazakhstan(formerly Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic), 6–12 September 1978. It expressed the need for urgent action by all governments, all health and development workers, and the world community to protect and promote the health of all people. It was... Continue Reading →


LET'S END IT End isolation End stigma End HIV transmission You’ve helped us fight HIV. Now, let’s end it. This World AIDS Day join the fight to end the negative impact of HIV. This year in Kenya there have been the first significant reductions in HIV diagnoses for MARPs, thanks to frequent testing, rapid treatment... Continue Reading →

Key Facts: SRHR

What does sexual and reproductive health and rights mean? It means that everyone should be able to have a responsible, satisfying and safe sex life, and all couples and individuals have the right to decide how many children they have, and when. It also means having the relevant information, services and contraceptives to do this... Continue Reading →

Dialogue for Change

The right to exercise control over one’s own sexuality and reproduction is fundamental for all people. Sexual and reproductive health and the associated rights (SRHR issues) extend to the equal opportunities, rights and conditions of all people to have a safe and satisfying sexual life, and to be able to decide over their own bodies... Continue Reading →

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